Monday, April 23, 2012

Cell Energy – Energy of Life

There are over 70 billion cells in our body. Each of these cells need nutrients in order to stay healthy and to produce energy. The renewal cycle of our cells is around 90 days. A healthy cell will reproduce two healthy cells. An unhealthy cell in turn reproduces two unhealthy cells.

Our body is often referred to as a fireplace. A good fire needs three elements in order to burn and glow properly: air (oxygen), wood (nutrients) and ignition to light the fire (vital substances). Ashes are the result of the burning process. Ashes need to be cleared away from the fireplace on a regular basis, otherwise the fire will not give the optimum warmth to us. Our body works the same way as a fireplace: our body, our cells, need oxygen, nutrients and vital substances to function properly and to stay healthy. As a result of this ”burning” process metabolic toxins and waste are created. These need to be ”cleared” away from our body – the same way we clear away ashes from our fireplace. This way we ensure that the metabolism and the vitality of cells continue to be there. We can do this by having vital substances, antioxidants as productive substances in our nutrition.

If a cell does not get enough vital substances, nutrients and oxygen, it becomes unhealthy. An unhealthy cell in turn reproduces two new unhealthy cells. Nutrients are fuel for our cells and oxygen is the elixir of life for our cells. We can survive for three months without eating, three days without drinking, but we survive only for three minutes without oxygen.

A little child has a lot of energy. A child is usually busy all the time. It seems like a small child's energy is neverending. Later on, our energy level decreases when our cells eventually become unhealthy, and they do not produce any more energy as much as before. This can be seen as different health disturbances, for example, different aches, sleeping problems, concentration problems. Little by little, we may get more and more serious medical conditions (allergies, asthma, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, etc). In principle, there is only one disease and that is lack of energy: our cells do not produce enough energy and that's when various health problems get started. If we care for our cells and give them the nutrition they need, they will produce energy and stay healthy. The difference between life and death is a cellular energy production. When we are dead our cells produce 0% energy.

Food today contains less nutrients than for example 15 years ago. According to many scientific studies we are not getting all the vital nutrients we daily need from the food we eat. The soil does not contain the same amount of nutrients as before due to the intensive cultivation, for example. Also the long transportation distances also play an important role in the poor nutritional content of fruits and vegetables: they are picked when they are raw and then transported a long way. Vital substances are created in the sun light only, and fruits and vegetables should be picked when they are ripe to ensure the best possible content of nutrients and vital substances. There are gaps in our dailiy nutrition because of the decrease in nutrients in the food we eat daily. We can fill in these gaps with nutritional supplements. However, nutritional supplements should only be used for supplementing our daily individual nutrition, they do not replace our daily meals.

We are what we eat – and what we absorb in our body and system. The basis for individually optimized nutrition is a well-balanced basic diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein from vegetable and animal sources and grain products. When the basic diet is supplemented with targeted nutritional supplements, we come to individually optimized nutrition. If we give our cells what they need, they work well and provide us with energy. When our cells are healthy then we are also healthy, energetic and feel good. This also shows clearly in our outer appearence.

Our health is based on the food we eat. Our organs and tissues are built from the food and drink which we use as our nutrition, as the fuel for our cells. Unfortunately, today, the food we eat contains less nutrients than for example 15 years ago. We also get synthetic particles to our body and our system on a daily basis from the processed food we eat, from the air we breathe and from the water we drink. Nutritional supplements help our body to deal with these synthetic particles which are foreign to our body. Nutritional supplements fill in the gaps we have in our nutrition, boost our immune system, give us energy for the day and during night take care of regeneration for the next day.

About the Author:

Annukka Huotari has been involved in the beauty and wellness industry for past 13 years. During these years she has gained experience on beauty care and preventive health care.
Information on holistic health and beauty can be found at: A free report about Nutrition Transport Concept can be obtained also at

Monday, January 16, 2012


The word "probiotic" originates from the Greek language and it means "for life". The word "probiotic" includes lactobacilli and  all naturally occuring beneficial bacteria in our intestinal tract. The term "probiotic" has been used since year 1965.

A probiotic product is a product which contains live microorganism which change the intestines bacterial flora, balancing and improving a person's immune system.

Probiotic bacteria favorably change the intestinal microflora balance, prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost our immune system and increase our resistance to different infections. Probiotic bacteria also produce bacteriocins. Bacteriocins are substabces which act like antibiotics to kill harmful microorganisms. In the intestines, the probiotic microorganisms cling to the cells on the intestines' mucous membrane. There is about 1.8 kg of lactobacilli in a healthy, grown up person!

Today, we get 100 000 times less probiotic bacteria from food than our ancestors did in the stone age. Our ancestors did not sufferer from illnesses resulting from the high standard of living like overweight, cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. Genetically, a human being has not changed 0 that much during the past 40 000 years. Today, we need probiotic bacteria as much as our ancestors in the stone age.

Mr. Ilja Iljitš Metšnikov is concedered to be the "father" of probiotic treatments. He worked in the Pasteur Institute in Paris and was awarded Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1908. He studied the human intestinal flora and came up with a a theory that senility is caused because of poisoning of the body by the products of certain of these bacteria. Mr. Metšnikov suggested a diet which contained milk to prevent the multiplication of these bacteria. The milk would be fermented by bacilli which 0 produce large amounts of lactobacilli.

There are many sources of probiotic bacteria. Yogurt is a very common and popular source of probiotic bacteria. However, not all yogurts contain this beneficial bacteria - for example frozen yogurts contain no live bacteria. Probiotic bacteria can also be obtained from different kinds of nutritional supplement products.

About the author:

Annukka Huotari has been involved in the beauty and health industry for past 13 years.
She has gained experience on beauty care and also preventive health care.
More details are available at:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The skin is our largest and most sensitive organ. It’s considered as the mirror of our well-being because it clearly reflects our health and well-being. Our living and eating  habits clearly shows in the condition of our skin. We can influence the health and condition of our skin thru our choices. Healthy living habits, nutrition and right skin care products are the basis for a healthy, vibrant skin. It’s important to treat our skin both internally and externally.

We have billions of cells in our body and they behave the same way as a fireplace.
A fireplace needs oxygen and wood for a glowing fire.  Later, ashes need to be removed from the fireplace, otherwise the fire will go out. When there is sufficiently oxygen, optimum supply of nutrients and vital substances, our body -our fireplace- produces energy and nice warmth. 
When our billons of cells have enough energy and they are healthy, then we are healthy, too.
The health of our cells clearly shows also in our skin’s condition. A well-balanced and healthy nutrition is important for the well-being of our skin. There is no single food or nutrient which would make our skin glowing healthy alone. Countless number of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other nutrients contribute together to the condition and well-being of our skin.  A healthy, balanced diet and nutritional supplements help you to ensure the availability of all the necessary nutrients for the health of the skin.

There are some external factors that have an impact on the skin’s condition. 
Climate and environment (heat, cold, humidity) contribute to the health of the skin, for example. Chemical influences like excessive cleansing or the use of aggressive cleansers also contribute to the health of the skin. All therapeutic measures influence the condition of our skin. The skin needs to be protected and nourished also externally. Choosing the correct skin care products according to the skin type and the specific needs of the skin is one of the secrects to a healthy, glowing, vibrant skin.

Our skin reflects our eating and living habits. We can influence the condition of our skin thru
well-balanced diet and healthy living habits.  Exercise and sufficient amount of sleep are also important factors in skin care. On the other hand, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption cause skin aging. It is important to protect and nourish the skin externally. The use of high-quality skin care products according to the needs of the skin and skin type contributes to the health and well-being of the skin.

About the author:

Annukka Huotari has been involved in the beauty and health industry for past 13 years.
She has gained experience on beauty care and also pre-preventive health care.
More details are available at:

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Managing your weight

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to determine overweight and obesity. Body Mass Index is a figure which is calculated  by using a persons weight and height. An adult person with BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 is considered overweight and an adult person with BMI 30 or higher is consiedered obese.
For most people, body mass index correlates with the amount of body fat. However, BMI doesn’t  directly measure body fat.

There are two causes for obesity:
1.         Obesity resulting from excess fat and
2.         Obesity resulting from water and waste product deposits.

Obesity resulting from excess fat is due when we take in more calories than we consume. If we don’t excercise and  we eat lots of food which contains lots of fat and sugar, then we don’t consume enough calories.

Obesity resulting from water and waste product deposits happens when the balance between acids and alkalines in our body is disturbed. If we eat lots of food which produce acids (meat, coffee, sausages), our body stats to buffer the acids with minerals and stores them with water.
In this process, the fat cells work as “trash cans”.

If we want to loose weight effectively, the first thing to do is to go through a thorough deacidification of the body. When our body has lost acids and waste deposits properly , we can prevent metabolic products from being stored again.

When we pay attention to the both forms of obesity - obesity resulting from excess fat and obesity resulting from water and waste product deposits - we can loose weight with permanent results. There is no weight loss without loosing toxins and acids!

Today, we take in more energy and calories than we consume. There is more food available than before and our everyday life requires less physical activity than before.
Nowadays we do not simply need as much energy as our ancestors did. Also, our society has turned very “food centered” compared with the time of our ancestors: today food is considered to be a source of enjoyment rather than a  source of survival.

About the Author:

Annukka Huotari has been involved in the beauty and health industry for past 13 years.
She has gained experience on beauty care and also pre-preventive health care.
More details available at:

Friday, January 06, 2012


The five basic elements of life are: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. All these elements have their own role in all biological processes. Of these five basic elements of life, oxygen has one exceptional property:
Oxygen atoms can easily bound to other molecules. This is why there is oxygen practically everywhere:
there is hardly no materia on earth which would not be of oxygen.
There is nothing as important as oxygen in life. Oxygen was discovered already in 1773. Oxygen has been scientifically researched, especially in the field of medicine. It was discoverd how serious and partly life-threatening consequences lack of oxygen can cause in human body.

Oxygen is our metabolism. Our body receives most of it's oxygen through respiration. Oxygen is absorbed to blood circulation in our lungs. Hemoglobin can tie oxygen and take oxygen to the billions of our cells in our body. Our cells need oxygen to develop energy and warmth. The more energy our body uses, the more oxygen it needs. In addition to nutrition, we need oxygen sufficiently and continuously for our body to function and for every single cell in our body to keep healthy and functional.

Oxygen has also another important role in our body. Our immune system uses oxygen. Oxygen can destroy illness-causing electrones which live in an oxygen-free environment. This "destruction system" can destruct illness-causing baceria, viruses and mycosis.

The main oxygen suppliers are rain forests and sea plankton. Today, there is 30% less oxygen in the air than one hundred years ago. Increasing air polution, increasing rain forest cutting, polution of seas and rivers are some of the reasons for the decrease in oxygen content of the air.

About the Author:

Annukka Huotari has been involved in the beauty and health industry for past 13 years.
She has gained experience on beauty care and also preventive health care.
More details available at: